D2Sphere Key / Value Specification
- key[X] is specified as a ASCII String as key non-quoted
- keys with leading '_' like '_cell_rat' is reserved for predefined keys by D2Sphere
- value[X] is specified as a ASCII String quoted (String,Hex or Base64)
- single key/value pattern line must not exceed 4kbyte
- each key/value set will be taged by time+date when written into DB or whith time+date+position given by $GPRMC
D2Sphere SFAL TCP connector incommig message
$<sfal.data key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>" CRLF
$GPRMC CRLF (optional)
$ .... CRLF (optional)
$<end> CRLF
additional key value will be handeled as well for following SFAL data frames
$<sfal.data key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>" CRLF
$<sfal.pos key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>" CRLF
$<sfal.event key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>" CRLF
$<sfal.*** key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>" CRLF
PFAL to send key value to server
$pfal,Tcp.Client.send,0,"<sfal.data key1='value1' key2='value2' keyX='valueX'>"
Predefined keys and their values and units
this list is may not complete
'_cell_urat' cellular radio access technology
'_cell_snr' cellular signal noise ratio
'_cell_name' cellular cell name
'_cell_mnc' cellular cell mobile network code
'_cell_mcc' cellular cell mobile contry code
'_cell_lac' cellular cell mobile local area code
'_cell_cid' cellular cell mobile cell id
'_cell_tx_bytes' cellular transmitted data in bytes
'_cell_rx_bytes' cellular received data in bytes
'_info_contact' SNMP like contact for this device
'_info_descr' SNMP like description for this device
'_info_loc' SNMP like location for this device
'_info_name' SNMP like unique name for this device
'_sys_uptime' unix style uptime
'_sys_cpu_load' unix style cpu load
'_sys_ram_use' unix style RAM use
'_net_x_name' network interface name [X] as index
'_net_x_descr' network interface description
'_net_x_state' network state
'_net_x_rx' network rx bytes
'_net_x_tx' network tx bytes
'_net_x_rx_err' network rx error count [count]
'_net_x_tx_err' network tx error count [count]
'_net_x_ping_loss' network 5x ping packet loss [%]
'_net_x_ping_time' network 5x ping availability [ms]
'_sen_x_name' sensor index [x] name
'_sen_x_descr' sensor index [x] name
'_sen_x_data' sensor index [x] name
'_sen_x_unit' sensor index [x] name
'_io_x' analog value for IO [x] in [Volt]
'_power_in' analog value for Power Supply in [Volt]
'_power_bat' analog value for Battery in [Volt]