BLE Wiki
Beacon Protocol
- [iBeacon] (Apple, ...) (not yet fully suported)
- [AltBeacon] (BluKii, Gigaset, Hansenhof)
- [Eddystone] (not yet fully suported)
Beacon dyn Entries
PFAL commands:
- SYS.BLE.Select, - select beacon from list
- SYS.BLE.Show,,<"text"> - show info for beacon from list
- &(BLE.List) - list of beacon names
- &(BLE.List2) - list of beacon MACs
- &(BLE.Name) - values of last registered beacon
- &(BLE.Rssi) - values available after SYS.BLE.eRegister
- &(BLE.MAC)
- &(BLE.Major)
- &(BLE.Minor)
- &(BLE.Released) - name of last released beacon
Config settings:
- BLE.WHITELIST=<None|Public|Name|MAC>
Tested on following HW
- Blukii
- TI
- EM Beacon small
- EM Beacon big
- Gigaset G-Tag